As a math teacher there's not much we can do about distributing pdfs made with LaTeX apart from making the LaTeX code itself available.
I looked around a bit and discovered pandoc which is awesome. It allows you to create multiple formats of any particular file. I discussed this with my pcutl group at some point and here's a pic of the main idea we put together:
This works pretty well and I've been using it for a while. In particular it's great for mathematics as pandocs "flavour" of markdown allows for LaTeX.
It started taking me a while to "bash" my way through "pandocing" all my files in any given folder so I wrote a python script that will take all markdown files in a particular directory and spit out html, pdf and docx versions of the file.
Here's a video demoing the script:
The github directory can be found here:
If anyone has any other neat things like pandoc I'd love to hear about them...